Peaks and Valleys
December 3rd, 2021
I spent a good chunk of time preparing a demo level so I could record some footage for #PitchYaGame. The footage that I ended up with wasn’t at the level of completion that I was hoping for since I was having an issue with the environment asset we are using in Unity and getting comfortable with Unity lighting is taking a lot longer than I was hoping it would.
You can check out the submission here
Working on the content for this video clip helped put things into perspective. I can now focus on what I want to see change for the next video update. The lighting and the character animations are 100% the focus as well as the environment in general.
Oh, and as a random fact. I have a small obsession with modelling props so I got a bit too focused and made these recycling bins that I’m really happy with, just have to do another texture pass and they will be done! *Image below*
Also, we have a few new members of the team which is exciting! We have commissioned Qiabata to do our promo art and have also brought on Chenchao to work on revising our animations.
Next Steps:
I am focusing on bringing the environment art up to par and adjusting the lighting as well.
Hopefully, there will be time to art up the in-game UI for the MP3 player. I can’t wait for that to be completed to really bring the 2000’s MP3 player feel to life.

Recycling is cool, kids.
We haven’t had too much of an update on the programming side since there are so many things to work on with the visuals. There are some small fixes that we plan to implement in the coming weeks.
Next Steps:
Nabil will be adding in a static start screen and doing some minor bug fixes as well as implementing our new character animations when they are complete.
Eliza has been working on the main “downbeat” track that will trigger the less vibrant visual effects in-game.
The track is sounding really good and really makes you feel like the whole world just got a little bit grey. That’s a good thing…right?
Next Steps:
Eliza will finish up the “downbeat” track and move on to starting the “middle” track. Middle tracks are understated songs that are kind of middle of the road. Something that you would have playing in the background that you would space out.
Things are going alright. Although I do feel like the project was falling behind for the last few months I think things are getting back on track and heading in a good direction. I was really feeling trapped in a valley for a minute there.
With the year wrapping up already (how????) I was hoping to have a small (very small) demo finished to get some feedback, however, the likely hood of that has dropped immensely. So keep your fingers crossed for us but if we don’t make it in time we will be sure to put something out soon so you can get a chance to check out what we have been doing all year! (how has it been all year, what is time these days!!)